
Over the course of the last 12 years, we have interviewed over 300 nurses and other healthcare professionals for five documentary projects, and you can access those interviews by clicking on the images below. “American Nurse Project” introduces you to nurses representing the full breadth and scope of the profession; “Defining Hope” features the 50 nurses we met while doing research for our film about palliative care and hospice; “In Case of Emergency” showcases the emergency nurses we met– pre- and during the COVID-19 pandemic– while researching and filming for our new documentary of that title; “Behind the Mask” focuses on the perioperative nurses guiding patients through their experiences in the OR;“ Disparities in Cancer Care” focuses on some of the barriers to care for cancer patients undergoing immunotherapy treatment; and “Behind the Mask” focuses on the perioperative nurses guiding patients through their experiences in the OR.

American Delivery

American Nurse Book & Film

In Case of Emergency

Defining Hope

Disparities in Cancer Care

Behind the Mask